DevSpace Technical Conference 



Tickets are available on EventBrite

DevSpace uses EventBrite for our tickets and PayPal as our payment processor. This gives you security you can trust.

To access our EventBrite page for 2023, just press the stupidly large button below.

Ticket Types

There is no difference between the various ticket types. Each ticket will give you admittance to the conference, lunches, snacks, and swag. If our budget allows, we may also provide breakfast. You can get more details on that in the FAQ on the EventBrite page.

We will soon be offering a limited number of Super Early Bird Tickets. These tickets are going for the super affordable price of $150. These will be available until they either sell out or we start announcing some details.

Once the Super Early bird tickets are gone, we will start selling Early Bird Tickets. These tickets are going for the not quite super affordable but still very affordable price of $200. These will be available until they either sell out or we announce all the details.

Once the Early Bird tickets are gone, we will have standard tickets. They are so standard, I didn't even upper case the word ticket. These tickets are going for the not quite very affordable but still affordable price of $250.

Finally, once we get too close to the event, we will have late tickets. Late tickets are the same as standard tickets, but cost more. This is because I have to make projections on ticket sales that may or may not happen in the last 3 weeks. These tickets are going for the still affordable but annoyingly increased price of $300.

There will also be a limited number of Student Tickets. These tickets are going for the unbelievable price of $50. The catch is that you have to have a valid .edu email account to get one. Oh, and the fact that there are only 25 of them.

Student Tickets

Student tickets will be available soon. To receive an access code for a student ticket, you will enter your email address in a field that will be available below. We will verify the email address and send you the access code. Further instructions will be in the email.

Student tickets are available. We're having probems with our automted form this year. Send an email to, and we'll get you set up as fast as we can.

To receive an access code for a student ticket, enter your email address in the field below. We will verify the email address and send you the access code. Further instructions will be in the email.